We are aware of an intermittent problem with the CrossRef service, which affects the Edifix correction and linking service. You may not receive CrossRef links or corrections to your references during this time. We are currently working with CrossRef to resolve this issue.

edifix for publishers

Don’t get left behind in the
digital publishing revolution.

Meet the demands of both speed and quality by incorporating automated
bibliographic reference processing into your publishing workflow.

Reduce time to publication

You juggle many projects at once. Delegate some of the more tedious, repetitive, and error-prone tasks to a tool that can quickly and accurately do it for you. Our patented heuristic parsing system formats damaged and incomplete references in any style to your editorial style and corrects information in each reference using data from PubMed and Crossref.

Learn how Edifix can save you time in your current workflow →

Control your editorial costs

Don’t spend precious editorial resources on tasks that can be easily automated. Invest in an automated workflow, and you can focus your resources on improving the speed and quality of your publication process.

Empower your team

Edifix frees copy editors from the most tedious editorial tasks and lets them focus on substantive editorial work. Editors can see every correction Edifix has made and check individual reference links for themselves. Our Team Plans offer the power of Edifix to your in-house and freelance staff and give you tools for managing their work.

Learn how other editors are using Edifix →

Ensure accuracy in your bibliographies

Edifix can increase your publication’s discoverability and integrity by correcting erroneous reference data and inserting missing elements, DOIs, and links to PubMed and Crossref records. By intelligently comparing damaged or incomplete references against the PubMed and Crossref databases, Edifix safely makes corrections and inserts warnings for information that requires additional attention, such as cited articles that have been retracted or corrected.

Learn more about automatic reference correction →

Protect your bibliographic integrity

Edifix can reduce costly post-publication surprises by finding and flagging cited sources that have been corrected or retracted as well as those appearing in predatory or fraudulent publications. By applying our powerful fuzzy matching heuristics with the vast PubMed, Crossref, and Cabells Predatory Reports databases, Edifix inserts warnings for references that may need further investigation.

Learn more about Cabells Reference Checking →

Convert text-based references to XML, BibTeX, and more

Edifix can convert your plain-text bibliographies to granular, structured formats, such as JATS DTD XML and BibTeX. With Edifix, you can quickly integrate plain-text references into your XML or LaTeX publishing workflow. Edifix will quickly become an indispensable component of your editorial and production processes.

See the complete list of export formats here →

The less time I have to spend on boring, repetitive tasks such as editing 56 entries in a reference list to fit a particular style, the more time I'll have for the get-down-in-the-mud-and-wrestle editing that I love to do.

Katharine O’Moore Klopf, KOK Editing

Integrate Edifix into your production workflow with our REST API

Need to integrate bibliographic reference processing into a larger automated workflow? Access all of Edifix’s capabilities programmatically using the Edifix API.

Contact us for more info on our API or for expert workflow advice →

Format bibliographies to a standard style
— or house style!

With Edifix, you can format your bibliography to any of the following styles within seconds:







ISO 690


Custom reference styles carefully crafted to meet unique house style requirements are also available.

Need a custom reference style for your house style? →

Hit the ground running

Edifix is a low-maintenance, cloud-based service that can be used in any browser and doesn’t require extensive training. Whether you opt for individual Edifix accounts or use a Team subscription to optimize efficiency, you and your users get up to speed quickly, and our extensive FAQs and the Edifix customer support team are always there for you!

Compare Edifix subscription plans →

Take charge of your content

Harness the automation Edifix provides, and you’ll be able to manage your workload with existing resources. Achieve consistent quality and avoid communication gaps by equipping your in-house and freelance editors with industry-leading bibliographic editing tools!

Try Edifix now for free!

100 references. 30 days.

Get Started
