We are experiencing issues linking to Crossref. Any references which fail to correctly link will not be billed to your account.

Edifix for Teams

Manage your team’s Edifix
usage all in one place

Optimize for teamwork

Our Team plans offer the power of Edifix to your in-house and freelance staff and give you tools for managing their work.

You have the power!

Share your organization’s reference allowance across team members in ways that make sense for you

Designate teams and managers by project, department, or location

Track Edifix usage by date, team, team member, project, or editorial style

Many Edifix users, one easy-to-manage Edifix subscription!

Designate an organization lead, tell us your editorial preferences and how many references you’ll need to process, and we’ll set up your Edifix for Teams subscription!
