We are aware of an intermittent problem with the CrossRef service, which affects the Edifix correction and linking service. You may not receive CrossRef links or corrections to your references during this time. We are currently working with CrossRef to resolve this issue.


Automatically style, correct, link, and structure bibliographic references

Edifix can handle references submitted in any style, so keep calm and Edifix on!

See how it works...

Meet style requirements

Different manuscripts require different reference styles – but editing and formatting reference lists to a specific style is a lot of work! Edifix helps out by automatically formatting reference entries to any of a wide variety of popular styles.

Support your unique house style with an Enterprise Plan →
An image listing the reference styles available in Edifix, including AMA, APA, Chicago, ICMJA, ACS, CSE, MLA, and Vancouver.

Insert missing author names

Do your references include only one author, but your reference style requires more? No problem! Edifix automatically inserts the correct number of author names in seconds.

Normalize journal titles

Edifix follows your editorial style to convert journal titles to their standard abbreviation or fully-spelled title.

A screenshot showing the changes Edifix makes to an academic reference.

Enhance automation with APIs

Looking to integrate bibliographic reference processing into a larger automated workflow? You can access all of Edifix’s capabilities programmatically using the Edifix API, available with Enterprise plans.

Learn more about our Enterprise Plans

Edifix to XML

Transform unedited references to fully tagged XML in seconds! Using patented technology, Edifix automatically parses plain-text references and converts them to granular JATS XML.

Learn more about our JATS XML Export

Integrate Edifix with existing tools

Edifix easily integrates with your authoring, editing, and production workflows, whether concentrated or distributed. Editors can copy and paste Edifixed references, or export them to structured formats that work with popular word processors, LaTeX tools, reference managers, and XML tools.

See the complete list of export formats here →
A screenshot showing the Edifix dropdown list of export options.

Save time

Editing, linking, and reformatting bibliographic references is important but time-consuming. Edifix automates these tedious tasks so you and your editors can focus on the heart of your editorial work.

A screenshot showing the Edifix dropdown list of export options.

Keep it simple

No downloads or installation packages required! Just sign up for an account, and start fixing your bibliography. Edifix your first 100 references for free. If you need more, check out our subscription plans.
Need to use Edifix with a team in-house, or freelance, or both? Check out our Team plans.

I edit a lot of journal articles, and that’s a lot of references. I copy the reference list, paste it into Edifix in the web-based interface, select the AMA editorial style [...], and my reference copyediting time is cut in more than half.

Jennifer Holmes, Medical Editing Services

Try it now for free!

Correct, link, and format your bibliography
with one click.

Get Started

Satisfaction guaranteed
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ALPSP Awards finalist