About Edifix

Authors, reviewers, editors, and readers rely on complete and correct bibliographic reference lists to trace the paths of research through the scholarly record. However, editing, linking, and verifying the quality of reference lists is often very tedious and very time consuming when done by hand. This is where Edifix comes in!

Edifix—a cloud-based, scalable solution—makes Inera's powerful bibliographic reference tools available to everyone, from individual authors and freelance editors to large publishers and service providers. Using unique heuristic parsing technology (patent pending), Edifix automatically identifies elements in plain-text bibliographic references of any style, copyedits references to a variety of editorial styles, corrects references with data retrieved from PubMed and Crossref, and inserts PubMed IDs and Crossref DOIs. The results can be copied into documents, exported to JATS XML, or converted to RIS for seamless integration with popular reference managers.

Meet style requirements

Different publishers require different editorial styles. Formatting and re-formatting reference lists to meet the wide variety of editorial preferences in the publishing world can be a lot of work.

Edifix automatically formats your references to standard styles:
  • ACS (American Chemical Society)
  • AMA
  • APA
  • Chicago
  • CSE (aka Scientific Style and Format)
  • ISO-690
  • Vancouver/ICMJE
  • MLA
Editorial styles customized for publishers are also available:
  • ACI (American Concrete Institute, Harvard-style)
  • ASM Press (American Society for Microbiology)
  • Cell Press
  • Impact Journals
  • SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists)
  • Spandidos Publications
  • TRR (Journal of the Transportation Research Board)
  • Ask us about adding your own reference style!
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Ensure Accuracy

Bibliographic reference quality and accuracy are known weaknesses in the scholarly publishing community. One study published in 2004 examined three anatomy journals and found that 27% of published references contained errors. A study published by Department of Electrical Engineering at UCLA from 2005 found 45 distinct errors in a single, well-cited reference, and another reference that has been mis-cited over 250 times!

Edifix automatically corrects your references with data from PubMed and Crossref. Accurate references provide measurability, discoverability, integrity to published works. By matching your references to their PubMed - a service of the US National Library of Medicine (NLM) - and Crossref records, Edifix can insert missing reference elements, correct incorrect reference data, and provide links to those records so you can triple-check the accuracy of your references.

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Provide links to cited sources

Including links to cited sources adds accuracy, discoverability, and measurability. As more publications appear online, researchers and authors increasingly expect and rely on reference linking to discover and navigate the literature. Linking ensures accuracy in the reference, as errors often interfere with the success of link matching. Aside from accuracy and discoverability, links to cited sources also play a key role in measurability. Linked articles see increased traffic, and metrics such as impact factor subsequently increase for the target journal.

Edifix automatically inserts PMID links to journal articles indexed on PubMed, and linked DOIs for content indexed by Crossref. Using a unique set of “fuzzy” matching heuristics (patent pending!), Edifix can match references to their records on PubMed or Crossref despite small errors in the reference. Once the match is successful, Edifix corrects the reference based on data from the linked database, and provides a PMID and/or DOI link to the cited content.

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Integrate references with authoring, editing, and production workflows

Edifix easily integrates with your favorite text editor, reference manager, or XML workflow. Paste your bibliography into Edifix, let Edifix do its magic, and then put those references back into your preferred editorial or reference management tools. Edifixed references can be pasted into MS Word (or your favorite text editor), with or without Edifix formatting and markup. Corrected references can be imported your favorite reference manager, like EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley, EasyBib, or any reference manager that accepts RIS or MEDLINE format. References can also be exported to JATS XML (NLM DTD) for integration with your XML workflow.

Ask us how Edifix can save you time in your current workflow!

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Save time

Editing, linking, and converting bibliographic references is important, but time-consuming. Edifix automates all of these tedious tasks for you, so you can focus on your content.

Edifix is brought to you by the developers of eXtyles, the premier suite of editorial and XML tools for Microsoft Word. For more information, please see our About Inera page, or visit our FAQ page.

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Here’s how it works


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